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in the first half year of 2014 the domestic steel market prices presends a trend of overall turbulence and rebound



 in the first half year of 2014 the domestic steel market prices presents a trend of overall turbulence and rebound

From the point of supply, in the fourth quarter to pay attention to the state environmental protection policy and specific measures and eliminate backward production capacity, the impact on the production. From the point of demand, in the fourth quarter of each year is new projects tend to be faster and plans to invest time. From the point of cost, the iron ore port stocks are low, a northern steel mills had winter demand for iron ore prices constitute support, mainly run in 130 - $130 / t is possible. From the point of money, in the fourth quarter relatively plenty of financial capital, in the first quarter more bank loans.
In the current domestic steel market to inventory, the price will not rise, inventory to a minimum of time often the price also is low. At present domestic steel market price level in the bottom area, volume is low, more cautious. In the fourth quarter to the first quarter of next year, the cost of support, capital guaranteed, is expected to shock rebound in steel prices. In a word, is expected to average price level in the whole year of 2014 and 2013.